Tagged: KEK

Offres de postdoc, assistant et associate professors au KEK

2013/10/29 IMSS13-13 Institute Materials Structure Science – Assistant Professor The Institute of Materials Structure Science (IMSS), which is affiliated to KEK acting as an Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, promotes interdisciplinary and complimentary use of...

Offres d’emploi du Postdoc au Professeur au KEK

2013/10/4      IPNS13-10   Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies The Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies calls for applications to a position of the postdoctoral fellow for theoretical studies on particle physics, nuclear physics and...

2 offres d’emploi d’Associate Professor et Postdoc au KEK

IMSS13-5 <http://legacy.kek.jp/documents/apim13-5e.pdf> The Institute of Materials Structure Science (IMSS) promotes interdisciplinary and complimentary use of four types of quantum beams, synchrotron radiation (SR), neutron, muon and positron, in materials and life sciences research. The...