Plusieurs offres d’emploi au KEK Accelerator Laboratory et Applied Research Laboratory
2013/12/11 ACCL13-8 Accelerator Laboratory
The successful candidate will belong to Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a major role in the R&D of beam injection and transport systems for light source accelerators (PF, PF-AR, Compact ERL). The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting. Associate Professor
Deadline 2014/1/20
【Interview date】 *It will be updated later.
2013/12/11 ACCL13-9 Accelerator Laboratory
The successful candidate will belong to Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a major role in the R&D of the RF control and diagnostics systems for the electron-positron injector Linac. The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting. Associate Professor
Deadline 2014/1/20
【Interview date】 2014/1/27 *We will inform separatly
2013/12/10 ARL13-3 Applied Research Laboratory
The Radiation Science Center of KEK seeks applicants for a Professor or an Associate Professor position to work in the field of radiation protection for accelerator facilities. The successful candidate is expected to take a leading role in the radiation safety control of the J-PARC high intensity proton accelerator complex. She/He is expected to play a role in the researches concerning radiation physics, radiation chemistry or radiation engineering related to accelerator health physics. She/He should have the first class Japanese certification for radiation protection. Professor or Associate Professor
Deadline 2014/1/31
【Interview date】 *It will be updated later.
2013/12/10 ARL13-4 Applied Research Laboratory
The successful candidate is expected to study radiation physics, radiation detection, radiation chemistry or radiation engineering related to accelerator health physics. Postdoctoral Fellow
Deadline 2014/1/31
【Interview date】 *It will be updated later.
2013/12/10 ARL13-5 Applied Research Laboratory
Computing Research Center provides computing resources and technical support for KEK users, and also conducts R&D on the computational/information technologies related to accelerator science (research fields using accelerators) to which the successful candidate is expected to contribute. The R&D subjects include hardware/software development of large scale computing, distributed computing, computer imulation, data acquisition and data analysis. Postdoctoral Fellow
Deadline 2014/1/20
【Interview date】 *It will be updated later.
2013/12/10 ARL13-6 Applied Research Laboratory
The successful candidate is expected to work, in the applied superconductivity and/or cryogenic engineering, in projects that are carried out at KEK. He/she may participate related science programs with his/her technical expertise. The post-doc position is open for candidates who are highly motivated for advanced research on applied superconductivity and cryogenics. Postdoctoral Fellow
Deadline 2014/1/20
【Interview date】 *It will be updated later.
2013/12/10 ARL13-7 Applied Research Laboratory
The successful candidate will be involved in developments for advanced superconducting magnets for the LHC accelerator upgrade program, based on the CERN-KEK research cooperation agreement. He/she will be in charge of magnet performance evaluation including field measurements. He/she will also contribute to research and development of superconducting magnet technology for accelerator science and physics experiments progressed at KEK. Assistant Professor
Deadline 2014/1/20
【Interview date】 *It will be updated later.