Tagged: KEK

2 offres d’emploi au KEK

Open 2012/11/15 Job No. ARL12-5 Inst./Lab Applied Research Laboratory Job Description The successful candidate is expected to study radiation physics, radiation detection, radiation chemistry or radiation engineering related to accelerator radiation protections. Position Postdoctoral...

7 offres d’emploi au KEK

Job No. Inst./Lab /  Job Description Position / Deadline ARL12-3 Applied Research LaboratoryCryogenics Science Center of Applied Research Laboratory is in charge of advanced research and development of applied superconductivity and cryogenic engineering to...

1 offre d’emploi au KEK – Accelerator Laboratory

Open: 2012/7/24 Job No. ACCL12-4 Inst./Lab: Accelerator Laboratory Job Description: The Accelerator Laboratory of KEK is responsible for design, construction, operation, and improvement of the J-PARC proton accelerators, SuperKEKB collider, Photon Factory accelerators (PF and PF-AR), the...

6 offres KEK

Job No. Inst./Lab /  Job Description Position Applications Deadline IPNS12-4 Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies The Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies invites applications for a professor position. The successful candidate will belong...

14/6 – 2 offres KEK

Open: 2012/6/13 Job No. IMSS12-4 Inst./Lab: Institute Materials Structure Science Job Description: Muon Science Laboratory, Institute of Materials Structure Science (KEK-MSL) has been serving as a national center of muon science since the first...