6 offres KEK

Job No. Inst./Lab /  Job Description Position Applications Deadline
IPNS12-4 Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies

The Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies invites applications for a professor position. The successful candidate will belong to the ATLAS group and is expected to play a leading role in the silicon tracker upgrade of the ATLAS detector.

Professor 2012/8/31
IPNS12-5 Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies

A successful candidate will belong to KEK Theory Center and is expected to play a leading role in the phenomenological research of particle physics.
Especially the candidate is expected to contribute to phenomenological research of B Physics.

Associate Professor 2012/7/31
IPNS12-6 Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies

The successful candidate will belong to Muon Physics Group of Institute for Particle and Nuclear Studies and is to be involved in the experimental research of muon-to-electron conversion searches at J-PARC.

Assistant Professor 2012/8/31

Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies

The successful candidate will belong to the electronics system group of the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies.
He/She is expected to work on semiconductor detectors and integrated circuits developments in addition to maintenance of related equipments.

Assistant Professor 2012/8/31

Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies

The successful candidate will belong to the Belle II group of Institute for Particle and Nuclear Studies, and is expected to engage in the development and operation of the computing system for the Belle II experiment as well as operation and data analysis of experiment.

Assistant Professor 2012/8/31

Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies

A successful candidate will belong to KEK Theory Center and is expected to play a leading role in the research of phenomenological particle physics in a broad sense and educational activities.
Especially the candidate is expected to lead the cooperation between the theoretical and experimental research by contributing to inter-University activities of this institute.

Professor 2012/8/31

Source : Job Opportunities | KEK – 4 Juillet 2012

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