Tagged: Assistant Professor
2013/12/11 ACCL13-8 Accelerator Laboratory The successful candidate will belong to Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a major role in the R&D of beam injection and transport systems for light source accelerators (PF, PF-AR,...
2013/10/29 IMSS13-13 Institute Materials Structure Science – Assistant Professor The Institute of Materials Structure Science (IMSS), which is affiliated to KEK acting as an Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, promotes interdisciplinary and complimentary use of...
IMSS13-2 Associate Professor <http://legacy.kek.jp/documents/apim13-2e.pdf> The Institute of Materials Structure Science (IMSS) , which is affiliated to KEK acting as an Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, promotes interdisciplinary and complimentary use of four types of quantum...
Feb. 19, 2013 Assistant Professors Feb. 19, 2013 Postdoc researchers Source : WPI Osaka University iFReC
IMSS12-12 Institute of Materials Structure Science The Institute of Materials Structure Science (IMSS) promotes extensive and crosscut use of four types of quantum beams, synchrotron radiation (SR), neutrons, muons and positrons, in materials and...