24/5 – 2 offres KEK

Open: 2012/5/23
Job No.: IMSS12-1
Inst./Lab: Institute of Materials Structure Science
Job Description: The Institute of Materials Structure Science promotes extensive and crosscut use of four types of quantum beams, synchrotron radiation (SR) , neutron, muon and positron, in materials and life sciences. The successful candidate will be engaged in developing SR instrumentation related to soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to promote functional and environmental materials with the Photon Factory staff. He/She is also expected to investigate electronic structures of functional oxide and/or nitride using SR-based soft X-ray spectroscopy.
Position: Assistant Professor
Applications Deadline: 2012/6/29


Open: 2012/5/23
Job No.:IMSS12-3
Job Description: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology in Japan (MEXT) started a five-year program for “Platform for Drug Discovery, Structural Life Science and Information Analysis (tentative)” from FY2012. As headquarters for the program, KEK will pursue development of the integrated technical service platform for protein structure analysis to aid drug design and so on. KEK will provide protein structure analysis services by X-ray crystallography, and also develop beam quality, crystal handling and setup for experiments at beamlines. The successful candidates are expected to play a central role in the management of research projects on protein structure-function analysis in this program. The candidates are expected to commit to several research projects as collaborators, by making efficient use of the platform developed by this program, which includes X-ray crystallography, X-ray solution scattering, protein production, information analysis, and chemical library.
Position: Associate Professor or Assistant Professor
Applications Deadline: 2012/7/20


Source : Job opportunities | KEK – 24 Mai 2012

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