28/7 – Offres KEK et RIKEN
Open 2011/07/25
Job No. IMSS11-3
Inst./Lab Institute of Materials Structure Science
Job Description The Institute of Materials Structure Science promotes extensive and crosscut use of four types of quantum beams, synchrotron radiation (SR) , neutron, muon and positron, in materials and life sciences. The successful candidate will belong to the Electronic Structure Group of the Photon Factory (PF), and will play a pivotal role in advancing surface science using SR-based soft X- ray spectroscopy, and in developing high performance beamlines and instruments with high brightness insertion devices as a light source. He/she will also be expected to take the responsibilities of operation and maintenance of the related beamlines and experimental apparatuses as well as to promote active user programs of the PF.
Position Professor
Applications Deadline 2011/09/16
Open 2001/07/25
Job No. IMSS11-4
Inst./Lab The Institute of Materials Structure Science
Job Description promotes extensive and crosscut use of four types of quantum beams, synchrotron radiation (SR), neutron, muon and positron, in materials and life sciences. The Photon Factory seeks applicants who take leading role as a group leader of the User Support & Dissemination Group. This group is responsible to making more efficient user operation system including industrial users. The group is also responsible for the public relations affairs both for the research community and public. Besides these activities he/she is expected to develop new research techniques, to carry out synchrotron research of his/her interest and promote related user programs. In addition to these duties, he/she is expected to carry out research work using synchrotron radiation, to participate in the management, improvement and maintenance of the relevant beamlines and experimental apparatuses.
Position Professor or Associate Professor
Applications Deadline 2011/09/16
Open 2011/07/27
Job No. IMSS11-5
Inst./Lab Institute of Materials Structure Science
Job Description The Institute of Materials Structure Science promotes advanced research in material and life sciences using synchrotron radiation, neutron, muon, and slow positron beam. The successful candidate is expected to be engaged in one of the research fields listed below using synchrotron radiation from the two electron storage rings installed at the Photon Factory.
1) Study on surface and interface of functional metallic oxides by photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation
2) Dynamical studies of photoexciation using synchrotron radiation and synchronized femto second lasers
3) Structural studies of posttranslational modification and transport of proteins using synchrotron radiation
4) Study on strongly correlated electron systems using synchrotron radiation
Position Postdoctoral Fellow
Applications Deadline 201109/30
Open 2011/07/22
Job Seeking a Technician at Cell Engineering Division
Inst./Lab Tsukuba Intitute/RIKEN BioResource Center
Job Description Joining a team of 35 employees (permanent, fixed term contract, agency staff, and part-timers) to undertake the following tasks under the supervision of the division head.
1) Management of data base regarding collected cells and provided cells
2) Management of data base regarding fundamental information of cells such as culture method and mycoplasma infection
3) Management of data base regarding specific information of cells such as ability of differentiation and OMICS data
4) Responsibility to international communication regarding common data base sharing with the major cell banks around the world
5) Search for papers that have been published by the users
Position Technician
Applications Deadline 2011/09/30
Open 2011/07/22
Job Seeking a Research Scientist at Experimental Animal Division
Inst./Lab Tsukuba Intitute/RIKEN BioResource Center
Job Description Joining a team of 70 employees (permanent, fixed term contract, agency staff, and part-timers) to undertake the following tasks under the supervision of the division head
・ Collection, preservation, quality control, and distribution of experimental mice
・ Veterinary medical oversight and signing of documentation requiring a veterinary’s signature in conjunction with the collection, preservation, quality control, and distribution of experimental mice
・ Development of quality control and other related technologies
・ Research and development which can contribute to value-enrichment of the mouse resources.
Position Research Scientist
Applications Deadline 2011/09/30
Open 2011/07/26
Job [Seeking a Technical Staff[LA] at LSA Technology Development Unit, LSA Technology Development Group->http://www.riken.go.jp/engn/r-world/info/recruit/k110726_s_osc.html]
Inst./Lab Yokohama Institute/RIKEN Omics Science Center
Job Description Provides technical support for the assigned project
1) Experimental assisting work, assisting work for developmental research (eg. Sample and reagent preparation, cell culture, RNA isolation and purification, creating the library, etc.).
2) Identification and analysis of targeted regions of the chromosome.
3) Support of large-scale transcriptome measurement.
4) Sample preparation for large-scale transcriptome analysis and data production.
Position Technical staff
Applications Deadline until the position is filled
Source : KEK Job Opportunities et RIKEN Career oppotunities – 28 Juillet 2011