JREC-IN 2013 n°8

No.              : 1
Data item number : D113011141 [UPDATE]
Date of update   : 2013/02/15
Institution      : The University of Tokyo
Title            : Postdoctoral fellow  (ERATO Kanai Life Science Catalysis Project)
Research field   : Chemistry – All chemistry
Medicine and Dentistry, Pharmacy – All Medicine and Dentistry, Pharmacy
Engineering – All Engineering
Job type         : Researcher/Postdoc level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/31
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113011141&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 2
Data item number : D113011171 [UPDATE]
Date of update   : 2013/02/15
Institution      : RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
Title            : Seeking researcher, research associate or technical staff(Robot Control Research Team)
Research field   : General Field – Human Medical Engineering
General Field – Informatics
Job type         : Researcher/Postdoc level
Research/Educational Assistance
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/07/29
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113011171&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 3
Data item number : D113020520 [UPDATE]
Date of update   : 2013/02/15
Institution      : The University of Electro-Communications
Title            : Specially Appointed Associate Professor (Technical English)
Research field   : Human Science – Linguistics
Job type         : Associate Professor/Lecturer (full-time) level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/05/10
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020520&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 4
Data item number : D113020625 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/16
Institution      : Hiroshima University
Title            : Job Opening: Associate Professor in Higher Education
Research field   : Social Science – Education
Job type         : Associate Professor/Lecturer (full-time) level
Work form        : Full-time (Tenured)
Deadline         : 2013/04/30
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020625&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 5
Data item number : D113020634 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/16
Institution      : Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Title            : Invitation of applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level
Research field   : Agriculture – Zootechnical Science/Veterinary Medicine
Job type         : Assistant Professor level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/19
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020634&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 6
Data item number : D113020628 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/16
Institution      : Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title            : Public Recruitment for a Faculty Position; Assistant Professor
Research field   : Engineering – Mechanical Engineering
Job type         : Assistant Professor level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/01
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020628&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 7
Data item number : D113020596 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/16
Institution      : Nagoya University
Title            : Associate Professor for the Graduate School of International Development
Research field   : Social Science – Development Studies
Social Science – Economics
Agriculture – Agricultural Economy
Job type         : Associate Professor/Lecturer (full-time) level
Work form        : Full-time (Tenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/31
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020596&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 8
Data item number : D113020603 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/16
Institution      : Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Title            : Senior Post Doctoral Fellow (Fixed Term Researcher)
Research field   : Social Science – All Social sciences
Job type         : Researcher/Postdoc level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/06
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020603&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 9
Data item number : D113020643 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/16
Institution      : Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Title            : Invitation of applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level
Research field   : Agriculture – Zootechnical Science/Veterinary Medicine
Job type         : Assistant Professor level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/04/10
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020643&ln_jor=1&ln=1

No.              : 1
Data item number : D113020588 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/18
Institution      : The University of Electro-Communications
Title            : Assistant Professor (Skill Informatics)
Research field   : General Field – cogitnive brain science, computational brain science
General Field – sensori-motor system
Engineering – computational intelligence
Job type         : Assistant Professor level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/06/03
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020588&ln_jor=1&ln=1

No.              : 1
Data item number : D113020654 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/19
Institution      : Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Title            : Position opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher in Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
Research field   : Engineering – Materials Engineering
Job type         : Researcher/Postdoc level
Work form        : Part-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/31
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020654&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 2
Data item number : D113020716 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/19
Institution      : Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title            : Faculty Position Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences(Ultra-high-pressure Earth Science)
Research field   : Mathematical and Physical Science – Earth and Planetary Science
Job type         : Associate Professor/Lecturer (full-time) level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/04/15
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020716&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 3
Data item number : D113020719 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/19
Institution      : Tokyo Institute of Technology
Title            : Faculty Position Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences(Theory of Planetary Science)
Research field   : Mathematical and Physical Science – Earth and Planetary Science
Job type         : Associate Professor/Lecturer (full-time) level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/04/15
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020719&ln_jor=1&ln=1

No.              : 1
Data item number : D113020715 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/20
Institution      : Kwansei Gakuin University
Title            : TESOL POSITION
Research field   : Human Science – Linguistics
Job type         : Associate Professor/Lecturer (full-time) level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/04/26
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020715&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 2
Data item number : D113020726 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/20
Institution      : The University of Tokushima
Title            : Call for Applications for a Full-Time Professor at the University of Tokushima
Research field   : Mathematical and Physical Science – Physics
Job type         : Professor level
Work form        : Full-time (Tenured)
Deadline         : 2013/04/12
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020726&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 3
Data item number : D113020731 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/20
Institution      : Akita University
Title            :  Associate Professor or Lecturer (ESL / All humanities / Social sciences)
Research field   : Human Science – English education
Human Science – All Human sciences
Social Science – All Social sciences
Job type         : Associate Professor/Lecturer (full-time) level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/15
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020731&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 4
Data item number : D113020743 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/20
Institution      : Japan Overseas Educational Services
Title            : Foreign Language Retention Program Job Offer (Part Time)
Research field   : Human Science – Linguistics
Job type         : Teacher
Work form        : Part-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/31
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020743&ln_jor=1&ln=1

No.              : 1
Data item number : D113020743 [UPDATE]
Date of update   : 2013/02/20
Institution      : Japan Overseas Educational Services
Title            : Foreign Language Retention Program Job Offer (Part Time)
Research field   : Human Science – Linguistics
Job type         : Teacher
Work form        : Part-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/31
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020743&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 2
Data item number : D113020809 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/21
Institution      : The University of Tokushima
Title            : Job Announcement Center for Community Revitalization, The University of Tokushima (Assistant Professor)
Research field   : Social Science – All Social sciences
Engineering – All Engineering
Others – Human Science, Education, Agriculture, Informatics, Area Studies, field work, business model, marketing
Job type         : Assistant Professor level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/08
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020809&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 3
Data item number : D113020844 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/21
Institution      : Tohoku University
Title            : Recruitment of Assistant Professor
Research field   : Chemistry – All chemistry
Chemistry – Basic Chemistry
Chemistry – Materials Chemistry
Job type         : Assistant Professor level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/31
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020844&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 4
Data item number : D113020845 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/21
Institution      : Tohoku University
Title            : Recruitment of Postdoctoral Fellow
Research field   : Chemistry – All chemistry
Chemistry – Basic Chemistry
Chemistry – Materials Chemistry
Job type         : Researcher/Postdoc level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/05/15
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020845&ln_jor=1&ln=1

No.              : 1
Data item number : D113020863 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/22
Institution      : Doshisha University
Title            : The Institute for the Liberal Arts, Doshisha University Adjunct Lecturer Recruitment
Research field   : Social Science – Politics
Job type         : Lecturer (part-time)
Work form        : Part-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/04/26
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020863&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 2
Data item number : D113020877 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/22
Institution      : Fukushima University
Title            : Division of Industrial System, Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science, Fukushima University invites applications for a tenured position of an associate professor or a lecturer.
Research field   : Complex New Field – Social/Safety System Engineering
Engineering – Management engineering such as supply chain management, logistics system and production management
Social Science – Business Administration
Job type         : Associate Professor/Lecturer (full-time) level
Work form        : Full-time (Tenured)
Deadline         : 2013/05/10
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020877&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 3
Data item number : D113020899 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/22
Institution      : Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Title            : Postdoctoral Researchers
Research field   : Biology – All Biology
Job type         : Researcher/Postdoc level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/31
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020899&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 4
Data item number : D113020910 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/22
Institution      : Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Title            : Researcher (in Biological Specimen Analysis using Structural Data Electron microscopy Division)
Research field   : Biology – Basic Biology
Biology – Biological Science
Job type         : Researcher/Postdoc level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/03/31
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020910&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 5
Data item number : D113020907 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/22
Institution      : Hirosaki University
Title            : Job Opening: Full-time Lecturer (International Education Center)
Research field   : Human Science – Linguistics
Job type         : Associate Professor/Lecturer (full-time) level
Work form        : Full-time (Nontenured)
Deadline         : 2013/04/01
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020907&ln_jor=1&ln=1
No.              : 6
Data item number : D113020908 [NEW]
Date of update   : 2013/02/22
Institution      : Waseda University
Title            : Academic Recruitment April 2014 for the Post of Full-Time Academic Faculty
Research field   : Complex New Field – Area Studies
Social Science – International Relations
Social Science – Industries in Asia( including Japanese industries) , Policy Studies
Job type         : Professor level
Associate Professor/Lecturer (full-time) level
Work form        : Full-time (Tenured)
Deadline         : 2013/06/11
URL              : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/seek/SeekJorDetail?fn=4&id=D113020908&ln_jor=1&ln=1

JREC-IN Office
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
mail to : jrecin@tokyo.jst.go.jp
URL     : http://jrecin.jst.go.jp
Copyright JST All Rights Reserved.

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