Appel à projets pour le CONCERT-Japan Pilot Joint Call on Research and Innovation

The CONCERT-Japan consortium is glad to announce the launch of a Pilot Joint Call on Research and Innovation in the fields of Efficient Energy Storage and Distribution & Resilience against Disasters.

Through the CONCERT-Japan Joint Call, multilateral research projects with an innovative dimension will be funded for a period of 2 years. The research projects are also expected to have mobility and networking components apart from the core research component. The call is launched with the participation of 15 funding organizations from 12 different countries and it is open for proposal submissions until 15 November 2012 (deadline of 1 pm GMT and 10 pm Japanese time).

The countries contributing funds to this call are Japan, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia. The call will be funded by the budget allocated by each participating national/regional funding organization. Therefore, each participating funding organization reserves the right to apply its national/regional funding regulations. Each project consortium applying for this call should consist of at least 3 partners, 1 from Japan and 2 from two different European countries participating in the call. Project proposals are to be submitted electronically using the PT-Outline web tool about which all instructions are provided on the call webpage.

For more information on the Call and the submission process, please refer to the Pilot Joint Call page on the CONCERT-Japan website

All interested parties are advised to visit this link in order to access to all documents including the Call Text, the Guide for Applicants, the Project Description Form and the contact details of the CONCERT-Japan National and Regional Contact Persons.


Source : CONCERT – Japan

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