7/3 – 4 offres KEK

Open 2012/3/6

Job No. ACCL11-14

Inst./Lab Accelerator Laboratory

Job Description The successful candidate will belong to the Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a major role in the upgrade of RF systems for the PF/PF-AR rings as well as the development of the superconducting cavities for the next-generation light sources such as energy recovery linacs. The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting.

Position Associate Professor

Applications Deadline 2012/4/27


Open 2012/3/6

Job No. ACCL11-15

Inst./Lab Accelerator Laboratory

Job Description The successful candidate will belong to the Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a major role in the development, construction, commissioning, and operation of the control system of the electron-positron Injector Linac. The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting.

Position Associate Professor

Applications Deadline 2012/4/27


Open 2012/3/6

Job No. ACCL11-16

Inst./Lab Accelerator Laboratory

Job Description The successful candidate will belong to the Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to take a major role in the development, construction, commissioning, and operation of the RF accelerating cavities for the Main Rings and the Damping Ring of SuperKEKB. The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting.

Position Associate Professor

Applications Deadline 2012/4/27

Open 2012/3/6

Job No. ACCL11-17

Inst./Lab Accelerator Laboratory

Job Description The successful candidate will belong to the Accelerator Laboratory, and is expected to engage in design, development, construction, and improvement of the SuperKEKB rings and the injector Linac. Experience in accelerator science is not required. The candidate is also expected to engage in the operation, improvement, and maintenance of related accelerators as well as in R&D work on accelerator technologies for future projects that KEK is promoting.

Position Assistant Professor

Applications Deadline 2012/4/27


Source : Job Opportunities | KEK – 7 Mars 2012


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