70 ans de Institute of Industrial Science (IIS – Université de Tokyo)

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) has reached 80 years of existence andThe Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo 70 years.
Since 24 years, LIMMS/CNRS-IIS has been playing a pivotal role in the collaboration between the two institutions.
To highlight the success and longevity of its two affiliations,LIMMS is organizing a celebration Seminar October 11th, 2019 afternoon with
Antoine Petit, CEO, CNRSToshiharu Kishi, General Director, IISJean-Yves Marzin, Director, Institut des Sciences des Systèmes et des Systèmes, CNRS
Please find attached the event program – joined below.
After the addresses of the affiliation directors (1:30-2:00), the main LIMMS representatives will illustrate the adventure of this laboratory (2:00-2:45). Finally, the speech session closes with a special contribution from Professor Hashimoto on the history of engineering collaboration between Japan and France (2:45-3:15). A special care is given to the booth including CNRS and IIS history presentation, featuring also experimental set-up.
After the event, the CNRS office Tokyo will propose a panel discussion involving CNRS CEO and University of Tokyo Vice-Presidents (4:00-6:00).
We very much hope that you are able to accept the invitation. Please confirm your choice by clicking on the below link:https://limmshp.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index.php?cID=1271

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