25/8 – 2 offres KEK
25 Aout – 2 offres KEK
Open 2011/08/24
Job No. IMSS11-6
Inst./Lab Accelerator Laboratory
Job Description The Institute of Materials Structure Science promotes extensive and crosscut use of four types of quantum beams, synchrotron radiation (SR) , neutron, muon and positron, in materials and life sciences.
The successful candidate will belong to the Electronic Structure Group of the Photon Factory (PF), and will play a pivotal role in advancing surface science using SR-based soft X- ray spectroscopy, and in developing high performance beamlines and instruments with high brightness insertion devices as a light source. He/she will also be expected to take the responsibilities of operation and maintenance of the related beamlines and experimental apparatuses as well as to promote active user programs of the PF.
Position Postdoctoral Fellow
Applications Deadline 2011/10/14
Open 2011/08/24
Job No. IMSS11-7
Inst./Lab Accelerator Laboratory
Job Description The Accelerator Laboratory of KEK is responsible for design, construction, operation, and improvement of the J-PARC proton accelerators, SuperKEKB collider, Photon Factory accelerators (PF and PF-AR), the electron-positron injector Linac, and R&D of relevant accelerators. It is also promoting extensive research on accelerator technologies for future projects such as next generation light sources and linear colliders, as well as accelerator theory.
The successful candidates will be involved in either one of those accelerator projects and be expected to engage in the accelerator R&D work. We are looking for highly motivated young researchers.
Position Postdoctoral Fellow
Applications Deadline 2011/12/26
Source : KEK Job Opportunities – 25 Aout 2011