16/12 – 2 offres KEK

Open 2011/12/15
Job No. IMSS11-8
Inst./Lab Institute of Materials Structure Science
Job Description The Institute of Materials Structure Science is promoting cutting edge research using following quantum beams such as Synchrotron Radiation (SR), Neutron, Muon and Slow Positron in the broad ranges of materials and life sciences. The successful candidate will belong to the Development in Future Synchrotron Radiation Research group in the Photon Factory (PF), and will develop techniques and prepare the research environment in order to fully utilize the future light source including ERL. He/she is expected to carry out cutting edge research using them, especially to lead research and technical development in the fast dynamics sciences by exploiting the characteristics of the short X-ray pulses. He/she is expected to make significant contributions to the operation of the related beamlines and experimental apparatuses as well as further promotion of the user program at the PF.
Position Associate Professor
Applications Deadline 2012/02/13

Job No. IMSS11-10
Inst./Lab Institute of Materials Structure Science
Job Description The Institute of Materials Structure Science promotes extensive and crosscut use of four types of quantum beams, synchrotron radiation (SR) , neutron, muon and positron, in materials and life sciences. The successful candidate will belong to the Neutron Science Division, and will play a pivotal role in developing inelastic neutron spectrometer in J-PARC as well as promoting material sciences. He/she will also be expected to take the leadership in the inter-university cooperative research programs in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility of J-PARC.
Position Professor
Applications Deadline 2012/02/13

Source : Job Opportunities KEK – 16 Décembre 2011

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