11/09 – 1 offre KEK

Open 2011/11/07
Job No. IMSS11-7
Inst./Lab Institute of Materials Structure Science
Job Description Muon Science Laboratory, Institute of Materials Structure Science (KEK-MSL) has been serving as a national center of muon science since the first successful production of pulsed muon beam in 1980. It is now operating the world strongest muon source and user facility MUSE (Muon Science Establishment) at Tokai campus in Ibaraki, as a part of the J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) in collaboration with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The Laboratory is seeking young outstanding scientists who will actively contribute to one of the following scientific programs in collaboration with KEK-MSL staff. The candidate is not necessarily have experience on muon science, but should prove one’s expertise and ability in the primary field of interest and willingness to undertake the challenge of the muon science.
1) Advanced µSR study on condensed matter science (including magnetism, superconductivity, hydrogen-related solid state physics etc.)
2) Development of high intense muon beams and related techniques at J-PARC MUSE
3) Atomic and nuclear physics using negative muons (muonic atom, muonic X-ray spectroscopy, etc)
Position Postdoctoral fellow
Applications Deadline 2012/01/13

Source : Job Opportunities KEK – 9 Novembre 2011

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